Statinlerin Diabetojenik potansiyelleri farklılık gösterebilir
Günde 40 mg pravastatin, plasebo ile karşılaştırıldığında en düşük diabet riskini taşımaktadır.(olasılık oranı 1.07) En yüksek riski günde 40 mg rosuvastatin taşımaktadır. (olasılık oranı 1.25) ortada ise günde 80 mg dozda atorvastatin bulunmaktadır. (olasılık oranı 1.15)
Yüksek doz rejimlerinde diyabet riski genellikle daha artmaktadır. Örneğin günde 20 mg rosuvastatin dozaj rejimi günde 10mg ile karşılaştırıldığında risk % 12 daha fazladır.
Statins May Differ in Diabetogenic Potential
Feb 06, 2013
• NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Feb 06 – The increased risk for new-onset diabetes with statin use differs by dose and agent, pooled data show.
Compared with placebo, pravastatin 40 mg per day presented the lowest diabetes risk (odds ratio, 1.07). The highest risk was with rosuvastatin 40 mg per day (OR, 1.25). In the middle was the risk with atorvastatin 80 mg per day (OR, 1.15).
Compared with moderate dose regimens, the risk for diabetes was generally increased with higher dose regimens. For example, the relative risk was 12% higher with rosuvastatin 20 mg per day vs 10 mg per day.
Dr. Eliano P. Navarese, who led the study, told Reuters Health by email that the meta-analysis is the first to clearly show “a gradient in diabetes associated with different doses and types of statins.”
As reported January 25th online in The American Journal of Cardiology, Dr. Navarese of Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz, Poland and colleagues studied data from 17 randomized controlled trials involving more than 113,000 subjects.
The trials compared statins to placebo or higher and lower dose statin therapy. Follow-up ranged from two to six years.
As to the clinical implications, Dr. Navarese pointed out, “If the findings of this network meta-analysis were confirmed in powered head-to-head comparisons, they would have important implications for the future management of millions of individuals receiving statins worldwide.”
“Indeed,” she concluded, “a new scenario of statin therapy could be envisaged in which personalized statin therapy might emerge as the most effective and safest strategy.”